Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Media v/s BJP

I am anguished. I find Indian media very biased.

I picked today's newspaper and hoped to read about the wrong doings of Teesta Seetalwad, and what I found was a picture of 5th generation scions of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty on the first page.
The crown prince of India (3rd in line of throne, Rehan Vadra Gandhi) is asking for the votes for his uncle (1st in line of throne and the King in making).

I have this question from Indian media and it's audience: Is this not insinuating the voters? Is it not the violation of model code of conduct by using children in election process. Are we living in a democracy or is it a monarchy?

Media was foremost runner in bringing a bad name for BJP and Modi, for what they purportedly did to the Muslims in Gujarat. Media should now apologize to these two for showing them in a bad light. Secular movie makers like Nandita Das are provided with a Godsend opportunity to make a movie on Teesta's wrongdoings. But let us see if they will make it.

Will EC take action against Rahul Gandhi for using kids in his campaign. Media should highlight his wrongdoings and not insinuate voters as it is doing. I hope that someone from BJP is listening and will raise a complaint against 'King in Making'

By the way, there was no news about Teesta spicing up the affidavits, in the news bulletins last night. But I seriously hope that someone files a case against her for perjury.


Unknown said...

yes u r correct and we should file a case against the so called secualar teesta for blaming entire gujarat.

Anadi said...

a frustrated blogpost by a die hard BJP guy...tch tch tch...

Himanshu said...

Anadi I wish u commented on this..